Note to Self: A Collection of 99 Life Lessons

Note to Self: A Collection of 99 Life Lessons Title: Note to Self: A Collection of 99 Life Lessons
Author: Bryan Wempen
Release Date: April 2015
Format: Softcover, Kindle
Length: 103 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9823859-6-8 (softcover)
Retail: $14.95 (softcover); $9.99 (Kindle)When do you feel that enough is enough and something has to change in your life? It can happen anywhere—for me it was in a taxi in Chicago. Since that moment, I have been working on self-awareness, discovering lessons about myself and developing tools to live a better life on life’s terms.

The lessons in ‘Note to Self’ are what I use every day to live my life. I live imperfectly with an open mind and heart, discovering happiness, self-awareness and serenity. I have to remind myself that bad minutes, hours and days will happen, but they’re not my whole life, just moments. In my collection of lessons I’ve shared the importance of being present in what I do. I re-commit to participating in life every single day.

I’m inspired and thankful for my friends who graciously shared their lessons with me for the book. I hope you will also enjoy their life lessons as much as I did.

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